
Friday, March 4, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine...

Little Colton has been out of comission for almost two weeks.  A week and a half ago, Dr. Feld said Colton had a double eye infection, double ear infection, and strep throat.  We went back this week, and one ear was still infected along with a yucky cough and red throat.  We go back again next week to find out if we have to back to his ENT  for the possibility of removing his adenoids.  Needless to say, we haven't been out of the house too much.  You would think that with all of that going on in his little body, he would be fussy and clingy, but he mostly acts normal!  He just looks really tired and has a permanent runny nose.

I'm not a huge fan of the shirts with the little sayings, but this one is pretty cool :)  Here's another "sick" face!

Lots of juice these days...with all the antibiotics, his tummy is a little crazy, so we are staying extra hydrated :)

Throw Joseph in the mix, and it's all smiles and laughs!

He is fake sneezing, and thinks it is hilarious!

Love the smiles, especially when he is sick ;)

Let's hope he feels better real soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. poor baby! hate that he is sick - hope that it goes away quickly.... looks like he is still one happy little guy though... what a precious smile!
