
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fun Weekend at Tee Tee's!

Colton and I enjoyed an extra long weekend with Gran T (he now calls her "Tee Tee").  We went shopping on Friday, hosted a baby shower Saturday for a family friend, enjoyed brunch at the Club with Aunt Betty on Sunday, along with Church & a SUPERbowl party, and lots of yummy food!

It has become a tradition for Tee Tee to get Colton a balloon for the weeked visits!

Bath time is fun wherever we are, but Tee Tee has "new" bath toys :)

Nicole at her shower...she is expecting a sweet baby boy at the end of March!

Colton enjoyed hanging out with the guests at the beginning of the shower and the end...he slept through all the rest!

The ladies who hosted prepared quite the spread :)

Gift time!

Colton and Tee Tee before we left for the Superbowl favorite pic of the two of them :)


He is sooooo fun these days!!!

He LOVED playing with Mr. Morgan!  We had a GREAT weekend!

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