
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Day!

We had a nice and relaxing Christmas this year.  I am thinking this may be the last year of sleeping in on Christmas morning, as next year, I expect Colton to wake up nice and early ready to open presents.  Josh and I had fun filling the "unexpected" stockings for my Mom and Aunt Shirley (and each other of course) on Christmas Eve.  We enjoyed a yummy breakfast, then started opening our stockings, and then the rest of the presents.  Colton really wasn't into the actual opening of the presents, but he did like playing with his toys once they were opened :-)

 Santa came to Rayworth Trail!!!

 We couldn't fit everything in the you can see, Josh got me a few "gag" gifts :-)

 Mr. Santa Potato Head!

 He LOVED this horse and the fun noises it makes!

 Dance Star Mickey was another big hit!

 Relaxing while we opened gifts.

 Colton had a lot of fun with his new bowling set!

And to top it off, we had a beautful WHITE CHRISTMAS (for the second year in a row)!

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